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Multipurpose Spray Adjuvant

Umbrella from Brandt is a multi-purpose spray adjuvant designed to increase the efficiency of applied pesticides in agricultural and horticultural situations. Umbrella forms a rainfast film over the applied pesticide solution, securing it onto the plant surface, reducing environmental losses and enhancing application efficacy.  Umbrella also optimizes spreading and surface coverage on hard to wet plant surfaces, further improving application results.


Benefits and Features:

  • Premium multi-purpose adjuvant for use in a broad range of situations
  • 100% concentrate formulation for maximum efficiency and low application rates
  • Excellent applicator and environmental safety
  • Improves rainfastness of contact / protectant chemistries
  • Increases penetration efficacy of systemic chemistries into the plant
  • Enhances spreading on hard to wet plant surfaces
  • Soft on the plant’s cuticle – excellent plant safety
  • Reduces environmental losses


How does Umbrella work?

Spreading: The addition of Umbrella greatly enhances the initial spreading of the spray solution, whilst minimizing runoff during application. This allows for superior coverage on waxy or hairy plant parts resulting in increased efficiency and improved results.


Sticking: Umbrella is a natural adhesive and increases the initial amount of pesticide deposited as well as protecting the chemistry following application. This is especially important on plants with large, steep angles leaves which are prone to shedding applied solution.


Rainfastness: Because Umbrella dries quickly into a waterproof film it protects systemic chemicals so that they can move into the plant tissue before rain or irrigation. This also optimizes the timeframe in which contact or protectant chemistries are present on the leaf tissue.


Reduced Losses: Environmental losses account for a significant portion of overall losses during and following application. Umbrella encapsulates the chemistry on the plant surface acting as a sunscreen to prevent losses through UV degradation, evaporation or volatilization.




Mixing and compatibility

Umbrella is compatible with most commonly used plant protection products.  Fill spray tank half full of water and begin agitation. Add the recommended amount of Umbrella.  Add products as directed by label or in the following sequence and continue filling tank:

  1. Dry flowables or water dispersing granules
  2. Wettable powders
  3. Flowables
  4. Solutions
  5. Emulsifiable concentrates

Continue agitation until spray solution is completely mixed. Continuous agitation of finished spray is recommended. If spray solution has been allowed to stand, thoroughly agitate and remix before application. Rinse tank, lines and nozzles immediately after spraying with water. After rinsing, there may still be a small amount of sticky residue in the tank. This will help to prevent rusting and corrosion. It will not clog nozzles when sprayer is next used. If spray happens to land on undesired surfaces, such as windows, cars, application equipment, it can be removed with soap and water, before the spray deposit is dry.


Application rates and tips

Specific use rates will vary with conditions of application such as water hardness, application method, equipment, spray droplet size, condition of foliage, etc. Smooth, waxy, or hairy foliage will require higher rates. Also, higher rates than those below may be used if recommended by pesticide labelling. Follow pesticide label directions. However, do not add this product at a rate which exceeds 5% of the finished spray volume.

  • Application rate (broadacre): 300 – 1200L/ha
  • Application rate (knapsack): 40mL/10L water

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