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Manniplex® Total Turf  |  Noculate Bio-Enhanced Fertilizers  |  Seaweed Max  |  Indicate 5  |  Eclipse  |  FOAMY Foam Marker  |  Blue Lagoon S.S. Super-Strength Pond Dye  |  Neutralize Tank Clearner  |  STOP FOAM Defoamer  |  DRIFT-FREE Anti-Drift Agent  |  Aqua Bio-Trol (ABT) Water Clarifier  |  Consan Turf Algaecide-Fungicide  |  Umbrella  | 

Manniplex® Total Turf

True Foliar Micronutrient Package

Manni-Plex Total Turf is a unique, ultra-efficient package that provides enhanced foliar uptake of iron, manganese, magnesium and zinc, delivering more nutrition to fine turfgrass more efficiently than any other nutrient system. 

Manni-Plex Total Turf is a true foliar fertilizer.  Because plant cells detect and identify the mannitol sugar-alcohols on which it is based as native to the plant, Total Turf is readily accepted through stomatal openings and transcuticular pores when sprayed on to leaves.  Once inside the leaf, the plant sees the sugar-alcohol chemistry of Manni-Plex Total Turf as a native ingredient, letting it right into the phloem, the main nutrient transport artery throughout the leaves and stems of the plant.  This natural chemistry is enhanced by the fact the Manni-Plex molecule is smaller than all known chelates, amino acids, or complexing agents used in the green industry today to deliver nutrients, making its entry to the plant physically easier too.

These characteristics make Manni-Plex Total Turf the first true foliar micronutrient package, effectively and precisely delivering great nutrition and color without excessive top-growth.


  • True foliar nutrition
  • All four key micronutrients deliver great color without excessive top growth
  • Fast, effective delivery of nutrients directly to phloem and xylem
  • Feeds plant’s Growth Forming Locations (GFLs) more efficiently
  • Stimulates chlorophyll production
  • Aids in natural fungal control
  • Unique formulation, smallest molecule delivering nutrients to plants
  • Contains surfactants and humectants for better contact and adhesion, making it ideal for application with post-emergent herbicides

Guaranteed Analysis:
Total Nitrogen (N) .............. 4.00%
    of which nitrate Nitrogen:  4.0%
Iron (Fe) ............................. 2.85%
Magnesium (Mg) ................ 1.2%
Manganese (Mn) ................ 0.45%
Zinc (Zn) ............................. 0.65%

Application rate:
60-120ml/100m2 every 7 - 15 days or as needed throughout the growing season, as part of a complete maintenance program.  Use at overseeding and sod installation at low rate for best results.

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