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Manniplex® Total Turf  |  Noculate Bio-Enhanced Fertilizers  |  Seaweed Max  |  Indicate 5  |  Eclipse  |  FOAMY Foam Marker  |  Blue Lagoon S.S. Super-Strength Pond Dye  |  Neutralize Tank Clearner  |  STOP FOAM Defoamer  |  DRIFT-FREE Anti-Drift Agent  |  Aqua Bio-Trol (ABT) Water Clarifier  |  Consan Turf Algaecide-Fungicide  |  Umbrella  | 

Consan Turf Algaecide-Fungicide


Consan Turf kills algae on contact and eliminates surface algal crusts from golf greens, without causing phytotoxicity in turfgrasses or ornamental plants.  Consan controls odors caused by algae and bacteria, does not mar or discolor foliage, and is completely biodegradable, containing no metals or salts such as zinc or copper.  Consan’s unique bleach-like structure also makes it ideal for cleaning mower blades, cutting tools, and greenhouse surfaces.

Guidance Application Rate:  150-200ml/100m2 for broadacre sprays.  Use double rate if spot-spraying

Packing:  2x2.5gallon/case (18.9 litres) 

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