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Manniplex® Total Turf  |  Noculate Bio-Enhanced Fertilizers  |  Seaweed Max  |  Indicate 5  |  Eclipse  |  FOAMY Foam Marker  |  Blue Lagoon S.S. Super-Strength Pond Dye  |  Neutralize Tank Clearner  |  STOP FOAM Defoamer  |  DRIFT-FREE Anti-Drift Agent  |  Aqua Bio-Trol (ABT) Water Clarifier  |  Consan Turf Algaecide-Fungicide  |  Umbrella  | 



Greens-Grade Black-Layer Control Granules

Black Layer is an anaerobic (without oxygen) condition that can develop in golf course greens with specific environmental and cultural factors, such as excess water, layering from topdressing or burying thatch, the presence of sulfur or use of iron sulfate, and high pH.

Black Layer forms when slow-draining soils that are high in organic matter stay wet for extended periods.  Since oxygen is necessary for root respiration, roots cannot survive in soil areas afflicted with Black Layer.  Live roots will only be found in soil areas above or to the side of the Black Layer.

Once Black Layer is identified, quick action is necessary to oxygenate the soil and remove or tie up the toxic gases (hydrogen sulfide, or H2S, which has a “rotten egg” smell) created by Black Layer, or turfgrass can quickly die.

ECLIPSE is formulated to attack Black Layer from 4 different angles

  • Calcium Silicate:  Effectively replaces sulfur, iron, and sodium found in Black Layer in the soil, making it easier to leach these excess nutrients and improve the ability of plants to fight stress.
  • Activated Carbon:  Eclipse’s unique formulation of activated carbon can absorb hydrogen sulfide, both reducing its toxicity to plant roots and minimizing the tell-tale smell of rotten eggs often created by Black Layer.
  • Beneficial Soil Microorganisms:  Proprietary Noculate microbes reduce sulfide bacteria, improving disease resistance, the fertilizer cycle, water percolation, soil aeration, and overall soil structure.
  • Wetting Agent:  Generation CG wetting agent promotes uniform distribution of moisture across layers in the soil profile, reducing anaerobic conditions to promote root growth.
Black Layer before treatment with ECLIPSE    
Black Layer before treatment with ECLIPSE
7 days after treatment with ECLIPSE, plus aeration

7 days after treatment with ECLIPSE, plus aeration

21 days after treatment with ECLIPSE, plus aeration

21 days after treatment with ECLIPSE, plus aeration


Directions for Use:

To achieve best results, Eclipse must be physically exposed to the Black Layer, meaning mechanical aeration (hollow tine, solid tine, slitting, etc.) is crucial.  Aerate or spike to a depth greater than the Black Layer.  Apply Eclipse at the recommended rate.  Use drag brushes or sweepers to drag as much Eclipse into the aeration holes as possible.

Leave aeration holes open or, if necessary, topdress using appropriate-size material. Until recovered from Black Layer, do not over-irrigate, and refrain from using iron, sulfur, sulfate, or organic-based products.  Use nitrate-based fertilizers and micronutrients such as Manni-Plex products.

Eclipse may be applied at any time of the year as a preventative or curative treatment for Black Layer, as well as to improve seed establishment when overseeding.

Application Rates

  • Curative Treatment:  Broadcast at 3kg/100sq.m. (6lbs./1000sq.ft.), up to four times per year.  Irrigate lightly after application.
  • Preventative Treatment:  Broadcast at 1.5kg/100sq.m. (3lbs./1000sq.ft.), up to eight times per year.  Irrigate lightly after application.
  • Seed establishment:  Scarify the area to be overseeded, apply Eclipse at 2kg/100sq.m. (4lbs./1000 sq.ft.), and then complete normal overseeding practices.

Storage and Handling:  Store in a cool dry location, away from heat sources or direct sunlight.  Keep container tightly closed, and in original packaging.  Do not apply when land is frozen, flooded, or snow covered.  Do not allow to contaminate surface water, and do not apply within three meters of any public or private water supply.

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