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Manniplex® Total Turf  |  Noculate Bio-Enhanced Fertilizers  |  Seaweed Max  |  Indicate 5  |  Eclipse  |  FOAMY Foam Marker  |  Blue Lagoon S.S. Super-Strength Pond Dye  |  Neutralize Tank Clearner  |  STOP FOAM Defoamer  |  DRIFT-FREE Anti-Drift Agent  |  Aqua Bio-Trol (ABT) Water Clarifier  |  Consan Turf Algaecide-Fungicide  |  Umbrella  | 

Noculate Bio-Enhanced Fertilizers


Bio-Enhanced Greens Grade Granular Fertilizers

BRANDT NOCULATE greens-grade fertilizers all start with a concept:  Build turf on a healthy and naturally supported base.  With that in mind, all BRANDT NOCULATE fertilizers begin with a high-potency, bacteria-laden blend of microorganisms, enzymes, phytohormones, vitamins and minerals, to which natural humic matter and Brandt’s top-of-the-line wetting agents are added.

Functions of Primary NOCULATE Components:
a. Microbes
Microbial support enhances nutrient uptake, reduces sodium salts, reduces thatch, reduces reliance on chemical fungicides, and strengthens vegetative growth.

b. Humates
Humates act as natural chelates, transforming nutrients into forms more readily taken up by plants.  Humates also assist in building strong root structures and supply basic organic matter.

c. Wetting Agents
Wetting agents assist in microbial support and the uptake of nutrients by reducing hydrophobicity.  

d. Organic Fertilizer
Most NOCULATE fertilizers contain some percentage of naturally derived organic fertilizer.  In addition to providing high-quality slow-release nitrogen, these organic fertilizers are also a food source for NOCULATE’s microbial component.

Features of NOCULATE Fertilizers:

  • Supply several forms of organic and chemical nutrition and supplements
  • Enhance nutrient uptake with nitrogen-fixing, spore- and non-spore-forming bacteria
  • Contain phytohormones, vitamins and minerals for stronger vegetative growth and increased root and shoot biomass
  • Naturally reduce thatch by accelerating decomposition
  • Enhance biological immune responses
  • Reduce sodium salts
  • Contain disease-suppressing strains of microbes, reducing reliance on chemical fungicides

BRANDT NOCULATE greens grade fertilizers come in a broad range of formulations and can also be custom formulated to customer specifications.  All BRANDT NOCULATE formulations contain the NOCULATE microbe package, humates, and wetting agents.  The most popular NOCULATE products stocked by Witgang are:

Noculate "Special 5" 5-2-20 Paspalum Maintenance Blend
25% slow-release Nitrogen + Sucrate Micronutrients
Total Nitrogen ................................. 5%
        of which slow-release N: 25%
Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) .. 2%
Soluble Potash (K2O) ..................... 20%
Ca ................................................... 4%
Fe ................................................... 2% 
Mg .................................................. 2%
Mn .................................................. 2%
Zn ................................................... 1%
S .................................................... 10%

Noculate "Special 10" 10-2-20 Renovation Premium Blend
25% slow-release Nitrogen + Sucrate Micronutrients
Total Nitrogen ................................ 10%
    of which slow-release N .... 25%
Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5) ... 2%
Soluble Potash (K2O) ...................... 20%
Ca .................................................... 4%
Fe .................................................... 2% 
Mg ................................................... 2%
Mn ................................................... 2%
Zn .................................................... 1%
S ..................................................... 10%


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