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The Andersons NutriDG

Dispersing Granule Nutrition:  Developed by the famous American fertilizer company The Andersons, each NutriDG granule disperses upon contact with water into thousands of micro particles, creating exceptionally effective, uniform distribution of nutrition through even the densest turf canopy.


Advantages of Using NutriDG:  

1. No Mower Pickup – Mower pickup of conventional granular fertilizers can be 25% or more and last for days, wasting money and nutrition and resulting in uneven turf fertility.  NutriDG resolves this problem.

2. No Particle Movement – Rainfall and heavy irrigation carry conventional fertilizers away from the target application areas into lower-lying zones or wash them away completely, resulting in uneven and flush growth and wasted money.  NutriDG removes this problem too. 

3. No Mower Damage or Residual Shells – Coated fertilizers are susceptible to mower damage and premature nutrient release.

4. Improved playing conditions – More even fertilizer distribution means more even turf grass growth and color, more consistent ball roll, and a superior playing surface. 

5. No shoe or ball pick-up – Happier golfers, members, and cleaning staff!   

6. Most NutriDG Greens Grades contain Andersons HV (High Visibility) Granules, which are easier to see and improve application accuracy. 

7. In addition to the benefits of dispersibility, all NutriDG products contain HAP (Humic Acid Precursor)Organic Carbon

8. NutriDG 0-0-25 also contains Proactin – a bio-nutrient matrix with L-amino acids and plant active vitamins.


HAP is a unique water-soluble binder system used in NutriDG products.  HAP contains a soluble form of organic carbon. Through biochemical reactions in the soil, HAP is transformed into humic and fulvic acids which help chelate nutrients. 

Benefits of HAP: 

•    Increases soluble carbon in the soil

•    Prevents nutrient loss by helping balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in the soil

•    Is highly effective in carbon-depleted soils such as USGA greens and other sand-based rootzones

•    The optimum rate of HAP is applied when NutriDG is applied at label rates


…… Ratios & Spreaders on next page >

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