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Pesticides & Controls

BASF: Cabrio Fungicide

Cabrio® fungicide utilizes low use rates and provides strong residual control for upto 28 days with a single application, making Cabrio® a cost effective solution for a wide range of diseases in virtually every major turf species, and in every region, of China.

Syngenta: Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides, and Plant Growth Regulators 

Syngenta’s complete range of pre- and post-emergent herbicides, fungal and insect controls, and plant growth regulators include: Primo MAXX plant growth regulator; Heritage, BannerMAXXPlentrix, Subdue MAXX & Daconil WeatherStik fungicides; Barricade pre-emergent herbicide; Monument and Tenacity selective herbicides; and Meridian contact & systemic insecticide. 


Bayer: Outstanding Control Products

Bayer’s leading professional weed- and pest-control technologies include Chipco Signature, 3Sixty5, and ProStar WG fungicides; Merit and Sevin 85WP insecticides; and Nortica nematode control. 


Growth Products: Companion Biological Inoculant and TKO Phosphite

Companion liquid microbial inoculant helps prevent and suppress a number of soil and foliar diseases, including dollar spot, brown patch, pythium, root rot, fusarium, anthracnose, and summer patch.

TKO Phosphite improves resistance to disease and overall turf vigor, enhances plant and root development, and rapidly corrects deficiencies.  Extremely mobile in the plant, TKO Phosphite enhances the plant’s natural defence mechanisms so diseases are more easily repelled. 


More Popular ProductsCleary’s 3336 (thiophanate-methyl), Gard (fipronil), Orthene (acephate), Roundup PROMAX (glyphosate) & Consan Turf

Cleary’s 3336 WP fungicide prevents and controls turf diseases and diseases of a wide range of flowers, foliage, ground covers, trees and shrubs. 

GARD insecticide (fipronil) controls mole crickets for months at very low rates, in an easy-to-handle granular formulation. 

OrtheneTT&O 75WP insecticide offers effective control of a wide range of insect pests in turf, ornamentals, and trees.

Roundup PROMAX is a post-emergence, systemic herbicide that is very environmentally friendly, with no soil residual activity and very low volatility.

Consan Turf algaecide-fungicidekills algae on contact and eliminates surface algal crusts from golf greens, without causing phytotoxicity in turfgrasses or ornamental plants.


Pesticide Additives: Non-Ionic Surfactants, Spreader-Stickers, and Methylated Seed Oil 

ACTIVATOR 90 is a low-foaming, non-ionic-type spreader adjuvant, which provides quick wetting and more uniform distribution of spray mixtures.  Especially effective with herbicides and fertilizers.

Widespread Max 100% Organosilicone Surfactant is a new-generation wetter/spreader/penetrant that is effective at very low rates.  Especially effective with fungicides and insecticides. 

ENDORSE Oil Spreader-Sticker breaks down liquid’s surface tension to increase the spread of droplets on plants, increasing retention on leaves and other plant surfaces. 

Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) is a specially processed oil recommended for use with certain pesticides, especially herbicides.

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