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Primo MAXX  |  Barricade 65WG  |  Heritage  |  Banner MAXX  |  Plentrix  |  Monument  |  Meridian  |  Subdue MAXX  |  Daconil WeatherStik  | 

Primo MAXX


Primo MAXX Plant Growth Regulator

Active Ingredient:  11.3% (121g/l) Trinexapac-ethyl 
Type:                        Microemulsion Concentrate

12x1 litre per case (available in China only)
4x5 litre per case (available in Vietnam, Hong Kong & Macau only)



  • PRIMO MAXX® inhibits the plant’s formulation of gibberellic acid, which is responsible for cell elongation
  • Application of PRIMO MAXX® can reduce the vertical growth of turfgrasses, which in turn allows turf managers to mow less frequently, with fewer clippings, reducing labor and equipment costs
  • PRIMO MAXX® can also increase turf density and improve playability, consistency of ball roll, and overall turf quality and color 
  • PRIMO MAXX® also gives turf managers the benefits of Syngenta’s MAXX® formulations, including ease in mixing, efficient and complete plant delivery, low odor, transparency, and increased margin of turf safety
  • PRIMO MAXX® can be used to manage difficult-to-mow areas and minimise edging of turfgrasses along bunkers, cart paths, curbs, sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots, further reducing labor and equipment costs
  • PRIMO MAXX® can make overseeding programs more successful by reducing competition from the base turf at establishment
  • PRIMO MAXX® is primarily taken up by foliage, and is rain fast within 1 hour after application
  • Tank mixing with foliar nutrients like iron or nitrogen can reduce any yellowing observed during the first application of PRIMO MAXX®

PRIMO MAXX® Guidance Application Rates*:

Types of Turf

Application Rate

For Greens:
Hybrid Bermudagrasses, Bentgrasses
Seashore paspalum

1.5-6ml/100sq.m. (0.15-0.6 litre/ha)
2-6ml/100sq.m. (0.2-0.6 litre/ha)

For Fairways & high-quality sports fields:
Bermudagrass, Bentgrass, Ryegrass
Seashore paspalum

6-20ml/100sq.m. (0.6-2.0 litre/ha)
8-10ml/100sq.m. (0.8-1.0 litre/ha)
4-6ml/100sq.m. (0.4-0.6 litre/ha)

For Residential & Commercial Turf:
Carpetgrass, Bermudagrass

8-12ml/100sq.m. (0.8-1.2 litre/ha)
6-8ml/100sq.m. (0.6-0.8 litre/ha)


* Recommended rates based on every-four-week intervals.  Begin at lowest rates and slowly increase them as turfgrass develops a tolerance for PRIMO MAXX®.  Use lower rates and more frequent applications for best results in mowing reduction and turf quality enhancement.  Apply only to actively growing turf.  Take extra care to avoid overlaps when applying.  For more details see complete label.

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Barricade 65WG


Barricade 65WG Pre-Emergent Herbicide

Active Ingredient:  Prodiamine 65.0%
Type:                        Advanced Wettable Granule (WG) 
Packaging:              6x3lb. packs/case (8.16kg/case)



  • Barricade 65WG Herbicide controls annual grasses and broadleaf weeds before they emerge
  • Barricade’s strong soil-adsorption capacity locks the active ingredient into the soil profile with no leaching off, making Barricade both effective on weeds and safe for the surrounding environment
  • Barricade controls a wide spectrum of grasses – over 30 types of common weeds, including poa annua and crabgrass – at very low application rates
  • Barricade does not affect existing turf.  Barricade also does not control established weeds


Maximum Application Rates of Barricade 65WG Per Calendar Year, By Turfgrass Species:

Types of Turf grams/100m2
Bermudagrass, seashore paspalum, zoysiagrass, bahiagrass, tall fescue 11.2-25.8
Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass (poa trivialis) 5.6-16.8
Fine Fescue 5.6-12.9
Creeping Bentgrass (mowed at 13cm or more in height) 5.6-11.2
(0.56-1.12 kg/ha)


Barricade may be applied more than once per year as long as the total amount applied is not greater than the maximum application rate for the calendar year for the turf species.  Applications of Barricade should be made before weed seeds germinate, and scheduled around aerification or other cultural practices which can disturb the herbicide barrier and result in reduced weed control.  See label for full details.

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