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pH Reducer Citric Acid


A Gentle, Effective, Natural Solution

Growth Products' pH Reducer is a safe, organic-based citric acid solution that effectively lowers pH of both soil and water into a more acidic range.  pH Reducer also contains a natural wetting agent to help it permeate quickly through the soil.  This combination of efficacy and safety makes pH Reducer the solution for turf managers and growers who want to avoid dangerous, corrosive acids when fixing a soil or water pH problem.

Cool-season grass and many other plant materials prefer soil pH in the range of 5.0-6.5.  Many calcareous soils and water sources have very high pH ranges (above 7.0), creating a range of chemical, biological, and physical issues that can make turfgrass management difficult.  The most common of these problems are:

  • Reduced plant uptake of high-pH water and the nutrients in it, resulting in poor growth and vigor
  • Tie-up of micronutrients in the soil, usually in oxidized form, leading to poor overall plant health
  • Less-effective penetration of irrigation and rainfall
  • Frequent incidence of summer patch and algae
  • Calcium deposits that build on tanks, lines, and irrigation heads in high-bicarbonate environments, and
  • Collapse of the actual soil structure, in sodic soils with a high salt content

Growth Products pH Reducer reduces the pH of water and soil to remove these problems, while being gentle on both turf and the people working with it.  pH Reducer releases tied-up micronutrients in high-pH soils, chelating them for easy turfgrass uptake, and improves water penetration into the soil, soil aggregation, and the natural flushing of calcium and soil salts.

As an added bonus, pH Reducer can help reduce the incidence of summer patch.  The pathogen that causes this disease is most active at high pH during the spring (although damage becomes evident in the summer).  Some turf managers apply acidifying fertilizers in the early spring to lower the pH of their thatch/soil interface, and pH Reducer can easily be integrated into this application for even greater lowering of soil pH levels.  pH Reducer is also helpful as a tank-mix buffer for the many herbicides and fungicides that require an acidic tank mix to be most effective.

Just as importantly, pH Reducer is very safe for your staff, and YOU.  Corrosive acids have inherent risks, including chemical burns on skin and destroyed clothes, and can be extremely dangerous to people and equipment.  Working with pH Reducer is almost like handling common vinegar, and its citric acid does NOT eat through clothes, shoes, hoses – or skin.  Mineral acids (phosphoric, nitric, sulfuric, hydrochloric etc.) are classified Hazardous Materials that are not only harmful to humans, but also prune roots and wreak havoc on soil's beneficial microbe populations.


Guidance Application Rates:
60-200ml per 100 sq.m. (6-20 litres/ha) monthly.

pH Reducer can be sprayed or easily injected into the irrigation system.  Always dilute pH Reducer first with water before mixing with fertilizer or technical materials.  Because the buffer capacity of every water supply differs, be sure to slowly add pH Reducer to any tank mix and check with a pH meter or litmus paper until the desired pH is reached.  Do Not Freeze!

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