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FeRROMEC® Liquid Iron  |  Bov-a-Mura®  |  Super Trimec®  |  Trimec Southern (only available in Vietnam)  | 

FeRROMEC® Liquid Iron


FeRROMEC is designed to promote quick green-up in turf and ornamentals.  FeRROMEC‘s proprietary formulation of surfactants carries iron into the plant quickly and efficiently, with a molecular structure that is stable in solution but quickly breaks down after being absorbed by the plant.  FeRROMEC works in just 24-48 hours, and lasts up to six weeks.

FeRROMEC is iron in an available form which ensures plant production of chlorophyll, causing a rapid shift to a healthy, dark green color without encouraging excessive growth.  FeRROMEC helps correct yellowing (chlorosis) from iron deficiency, which can be a major cause for concern particularly when using certain plant growth regulators (PGRs), even if adequate NPK fertilizers have been applied.  FeRROMEC also speeds up turf recovery from dormancy.

Conditions which promote yellowing or chlorosis:

  • Soil low in available iron
  • Use of plant growth regulators (PGRs)
  • Sandy soils, and soils low in organic matter
  • High calcium carbonate (lime) or phosphate levels in the soil
  • Alkaline soils, pH 7.1 or above
  • Excess soil acidity, pH 5.0 or below
  • Low soil temperatures (especially after dormancy)
  • Moisture extremes
  • Soil compaction
  • An imbalance of heavy metals – copper, zinc, and manganese – that inhibits iron uptake by turf or other plants


All of these actual or potential chlorotic problems can be solved by applying FeRROMEC Liquid Iron three to five times a year, starting in the early spring.  Easily applied as a spray, FeRROMEC is both foliar- and root-absorbed, non-burning, and extremely cost-effective.  FeRROMEC is most effective when turf is growing strongly, and less effective when turf is dormant or suffering from stress.

Iron (Fe) ……………..  6%
Total Nitrogen (N) ….  15%
Sulfur (S) ……………. 4%


Application rate:
Bermudagrass:  120-300ml/100m2
Zoysiagrass, bahiagrass:  60-240ml/100m2
Bentgrass:  60-150ml/100m2
Bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, and other northern grasses:  60-240ml/100m2
Higher rates may be advised when using certain plant growth regulators.

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