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Revolution – Usage & Application


Using Revolution 
Important:  The effects of Revolution are cumulative.  Revolution should be applied at least one month prior to the anticipated onset of stress conditions in your area, and be used as part of an ongoing monthly program through stress periods.  The strongest benefits of Revolution are seen after 3-4 months of a regular monthly application program.  If this does not match your agronomic philosophy, inclination, or budget, Revolution may not be the product for your turf management program.  Ask Witgang about other product and program options.

Watering In:
Revolution is safe for turfgrass and does not need to be watered in immediately after application.  However, since Revolution’s area of activity includes both the thatch/mat layer and the soil, it must be watered in sufficiently to deliver the Revolution molecules to a depth of at least 10cm.  This requires 8mm of water on high-sand rootzones and up to 12mm of water on non-sand soils.  Revolution should be watered in thoroughly the evening following application.

Irrigation Under a Revolution Program
Clearly, growing quality turfgrass requires consistent access to water and nutrients in the rootzone.  Irrigation strategies for putting greens that use light, daily irrigation aim to achieve this without creating surface wetness.  Unfortunately a variety of factors, from inconsistent irrigation coverage to non-uniform soil wetting, can actually cause this strategy to result in some areas of the rootzone becoming excessively dry while other areas can still become too wet.  Turf quality and consistency suffer as a result.

Most superintendents who have made Revolution part of their turfgrass management program have found they can reduce irrigation frequency and increase run times.  Because Revolution allows excess moisture to drain more quickly and completely through the rootzone, superintendents are able to produce drier, firmer putting surfaces while reducing moisture stress on their turfgrass.  This is one of the most unique and beneficial features of Revolution compared with other surfactant chemistries.

Application Rate for Greens and Tees:
Monthly application:     190ml/100m2
Biweekly application:    Following an initial application of 190ml/100m2, Revolution can be applied bi-weekly at 95ml/100m2.

Irrigation Tips When Using Revolution

  • Revolution cores treated (right) vs untreated (left)
    Revolution cores treated (right) vs untreated (left)
    To achieve the best turfgrass quality and playability under a Revolution program, apply enough water with each irrigation to bring the active rootzone up to field capacity, and then let it dry down until the turfgrass just begins to show moisture stress before irrigating again.  Actual irrigation frequencies will change throughout the year depending on changing weather, turf, and soil conditions.
  • The reduced irrigation frequencies and increased run times possible under a Revolution program also help even out moisture inconsistencies that often develop with short, frequent irrigation run times and hand watering.
  • Deep irrigations or “flushings” periodically during dry or drought conditions will also help leach salts which accumulate near the surface and are an additional stress factor on turf.
  • It’s also a good idea to monitor soil moisture levels and uniformity with a hand-held moisture probe.


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